A top-rated e-commerce platform based in Canada specializing in the wines and spirits vertical

A top-rated e-commerce platform based in Canada specializing in the wines and spirits vertical


The Client is one of the world’s top-rated e-commerce platforms specializing in the wines and spirits vertical. They power some of the most popular wineries and have an impressive global customer base that is growing at 50% YoY.

The Challenge

Many of their existing and potential customers were using Vend as their Point of Sale solution at the cash registers in their stores and expressed a need for an integration between the two systems in order to better manage inventory. While product subscription, shipping, and other information were being maintained by the client, the inventory, customer information, and sales data were being collected at the POS. Having an easy way to synchronise the data between the two systems would ensure that the POS has the most up-to-date product and inventory data and the e-com backend gets all the relevant inventory, sales, and customer data required for many of its functions. The lack of such integration was resulting in mismatched information, inventory stockouts, unfulfilled orders, and many hours of manual effort to reconcile the two systems.

The Solution

The client engaged with link to scope, architect, and build a working, scalable, two-way integration between its own systems and Vend. We delivered the first version of the solution in 30 days with a budget of $2000 and helped on-board the first two clients. A few features for error detection were later added based on the customer feedback in order to help them catch mismatches.

The Result

The client has on-boarded 7 large Wineries since introducing the integration. We also provide full support and hosting services so that Blackboxx can focus on its core product while still providing its customers with the data sync service they really need. This has helped in increasing customer loyalty and preventing churn as the end customers are able to use their POS with their Blackboxx platform without having to make wholesale changes to their operations or migrate to a new system.