How office pets transform the workplace

How office pets transform the workplace

Here at LINK!, we know firsthand the happiness and support that pets provide. This is why we have a policy that allows employees to bring their pets to work.

We hope that our pet policy will help make our workplace more animal-friendly for our employees and their families. The inclusion of pets in the office has the potential to increase happiness, decrease stress, and strengthen bonds among team members, in our opinion. Who among us doesn’t adore a playful puppy wagging its tail or a furry cat snuggled up in a corner, purring away?

How Office Pets Can Relieve Stress

An individual’s general health and output can be significantly improved with the company of a furry pet while working. Pets make people happier, less anxious, and better able to concentrate, which in turn makes for a more pleasant and productive work environment.

Petting an animal, such as a dog or cat, can have a calming effect on your anxiety and stress levels. These mild-mannered friends bring comfort and camaraderie, allowing you to centre yourself and enjoy the here and now. Their ability to love without conditions might provide a welcome break from the stresses of daily life.

Pets as Cultural Ambassadors and Conversation Starters

Pets in the workplace have the potential to greatly enhance teamwork and communication. These furry friends have a knack for making people feel more at ease and bringing everyone together.

Pets in the Workplace: A Unique Employee Perk

For many employees, their furry companions are an integral part of their lives, and the ability to bring them to work can be a significant factor in their job satisfaction and overall well-being. By embracing a pet-friendly culture, companies demonstrate a commitment to their employees’ happiness and work-life balance.

By providing companionship, promoting physical activity, and offering a sense of purpose, pets can significantly contribute to improving mental health and overall quality of life.

Beyond work: Exploring the diverse hobbies of LINK’s team members

Beyond work: Exploring the diverse hobbies of LINK’s team members

At LINK!, we feel that taking care of our mental health is as crucial as reaching our professional objectives. Today, we present some of our team members’ hobbies, which help them decompress and achieve balance.

 Meet Akram, Athul, Kamal, and Suraj, four team members at LINK who find motivation and inspiration in unconventional outdoor activities. Beyond the realm of code and applications, these individuals have struck a good balance between their professional endeavors and their adventurous personalities.

 Akram and Athul,  motorbike fanatics, find comfort on the open road. When they’re not integrating applications, you may find them on the winding trails, enjoying the freedom of two wheels. The thrill of the journey, as well as the ever-changing scenery, fuels their love of technology and adventure.

 Kamal, on the other hand, enjoys going off-roading and getting off the usual route. For him, tackling difficult terrain is the ultimate stress relief. The joy of overcoming difficult challenges and exploring unexplored territory refreshes his mind, allowing him to approach his work with newfound vigour and originality.

 Suraj, a hiking master, takes refuge in nature’s beauty. He explores the wide outdoors, one trail at a time, breathing in fresh air and taking in spectacular views. This connection to the natural environment allows him to refresh and obtain a new perspective, allowing him to attack his coding issues with clarity and purpose.

Akram and Athul, the Code Warriors on Two Wheels

The exhilaration of riding their motorcycles on wide highways is second only to that of coding for Akram and Athul. When they’re not busy integrating applications, they enjoy the freedom and adrenaline rush that come with exploring the country on two wheels.

Akram’s passion for riding is fueled by the sound of the engine, the wind blowing against his face, and the vast stretch of tarmac in front of him. It is a hobby that lets him get away from his desk and enjoy the great outdoors, leaving the strains of work behind with each mile he completes

Motorcycle riding has been Athul’s cherished hobby since childhood, driven by an early fascination with internal combustion engines. Over the years, this passion has only grown stronger, fueled by a keen interest in the technology behind these powerful machines. Athul has diligently gathered knowledge and honed his skills in maintaining and taking excellent care of all his motor vehicles.

Weekends are a dedicated time for this hobby, often spent engrossed in maintenance work or embarking on exhilarating rides with fellow enthusiasts. Over the past decade, Athul has pushed his limits through off-roading and track riding, embracing the challenges and thrills they offer.

This hobby not only provides Athul with a sense of freedom and adventure but also a profound satisfaction in understanding and mastering the intricate workings of motorcycle engines.

Speaking of Akram – his passion for bikes started during a trip to Hampi with his friends. He saw a convoy of motorcycles and was inspired to buy his own. His first bike was a Himalayan. Gradually, he gathered biking accessories and later joined a biking group. Today, Akram’s motorcycle is more than simply a source of mobility; it represents his zest for life and ability to achieve a balance between his professional interests and his adventurous personality.

Kamal’s Off-road Escapes

Kamal’s passion for off-roading stems from an unquenchable appetite for adventure and a strong admiration for nature’s rough beauty. For him, the genuine essence of freedom is found in deviating from the usual road, where the tarmac ends and the untamed forest begins.

 Kamal sets off on adventures, traveling through dangerous terrains that test both his talent and his passion to drive. Each off-road adventure demonstrates Kamal’s tenacity and ability to adapt to new conditions. Whether navigating muddy bogs or mounting precipitous cliffs, he appreciates the opportunity to push his limitations and put his mettle to the test against nature’s tough challenges.

Suraj: The Hiking Enthusiast Exploring Nature’s Wonders

Hiking, for Suraj, is more than just a physical activity; it is a meaningful connection with nature that renews his mind, body, and soul. As a developer, he takes refuge in the peace of nature’s trails, where the noise and bustle of the digital world recedes into the background.

 Suraj immerses himself in the stunning vistas around him with every step he takes. The fresh mountain air fills his lungs, providing him with a sensation of independence and clarity.

 Hiking is more than just a hobby for Suraj; it is a way of life that allows him to unwind and find equilibrium in the fast-paced world of programming. As he travels across the difficult terrain, he feels a sense of success and gratitude for the natural beauty that surrounds him. Each path offers a fresh challenge, a chance to stretch his limits and discover hidden jewels that most people miss.

 So, why not take their lead? Find your own passion, step outside of your comfort zone, and enjoy the adventure that awaits. The pleasures are limitless, whether you are exploring new territory on two wheels, overcoming rough terrain, or simply immersing yourself in nature’s splendor.

Father’s day special: How technology is transforming modern dads

Father’s day special: How technology is transforming modern dads

Throughout the years, fathers’ roles have changed significantly. Fathers were traditionally viewed as the family’s primary provider of income, acting as the family’s pillar. The expectations and responsibilities of modern fatherhood have been reshaped, nevertheless, by shifting perspectives and cultural changes.

Fathers are now more widely acknowledged as equal partners in raising children, actively contributing to their social, emotional, and intellectual growth. The days of dads being passive participants in the parenting process are long gone. Modern dads are taking a more involved role in raising their children, enjoying the rewards and difficulties of doing so with their spouses.

This evolution has been driven by a number of factors, including changing gender roles, a greater understanding of the importance of paternal involvement, and a desire for closer family ties. Fathers now realize the significant influence their presence and involvement can have on their kids’ development, self-worth, and general well-being.

Technology as a Parenting Tool

For modern fathers, the digital age has brought about a revolutionary shift in their parenting style. With so many tools and resources at their disposal, technology has emerged as a father’s greatest ally, enabling him to interact with his kids in ways never seen before.

Fathers no longer have to rely only on conventional parenting techniques or consult a small number of sources for guidance. They now have access to a wealth of information thanks to the internet and mobile devices, which helps them stay informed and make wise decisions about the growth, health, and general well-being of their children.

Additionally, dads now have more opportunities to strengthen their relationship with their kids through shared digital experiences thanks to technology. Dads can explore, learn, and play alongside their children on engaging platforms offered by interactive apps, educational games, and virtual reality environments. This fosters a stronger bond and understanding between the two parties.

Akshay Tomar: A Tech-Savvy Dad

One of the best examples of a contemporary, tech-savvy father embracing the opportunities and difficulties of raising a child in the digital age is Akshay Tomar, QA lead at LINK!. He has embraced technology as a father to improve his relationship with his child and have special moments together.

Using virtual assistants like Alexa is one way Akshay has made use of technology. He often gets his kid involved in things like watching cricket matches on their Alexa device and dancing to Punjabi music videos. These shared experiences help his child develop a love of sports and music while also exposing them to the wonders of technology at a young age.

Akshay thinks that his child’s development has greatly benefited from his increased involvement and presence at home, made possible by remote work opportunities. By spending more time together, Akshay has been able to share his passions, such as playing cricket and football, with his child. Because of his hands-on approach, his child has been able to develop a keen interest in these sports and skills, which has strengthened the bond between father and child.

Furthermore, he admits that technology plays a part in making parenting problems and questions simpler to solve. He understands that having so much information and resources at our disposal can enable parents to make better decisions and better meet the needs of their kids.

For Akshay, adopting the flexibility and work-life balance that technology provides is part of being a father in the modern digital era. He values being able to strike a balance between his work obligations and spending quality time with his child, making enduring memories and strengthening their relationship.

Work-Life Balance in the Digital Age

The digital era has revolutionized the way fathers approach work and family life. With the advent of remote work and flexible schedules, modern dads like Akshay can strike a better balance between their professional responsibilities and their roles as involved parents. Technology has empowered fathers to be more present in their children’s lives, fostering stronger bonds and creating cherished memories.

Akshay’s experience is a testament to this shift. As a QA lead at LINK, he can often work from home, allowing him to witness his child’s milestones and participate in their daily routines. This newfound flexibility enables him to be an active participant in his child’s upbringing, rather than merely a weekend presence.

Embracing the Digital Dad

For modern fathers, a transformative era has begun with the advent of the digital age. With the help of technology, fathers can now better balance work and personal life, connect with their kids through common interests, and use virtual assistants to help with parenting. 

Dads who embrace technology are better able to be involved, attentive, and aware of their kids’ needs. In addition, fathers can now teach their kids digital literacy skills so they are prepared for the future thanks to the digital landscape. Modern fathers can deepen their understanding of their children’s passions, build stronger bonds with them, and nurture their interests by skillfully incorporating technology into their parenting style.

Fathers who fully embrace technology will be in a better position to handle the challenges of contemporary parenting as the world changes. Through the effective use of digital tools and resources, parents can open up new possibilities for learning, connecting, and making enduring memories with their kids.

Cost Optimization: How We Slashed $500K Using IaC, Containers, and More

Cost Optimization: How We Slashed $500K Using IaC, Containers, and More


Controlling cloud infrastructure costs is critical for any company, but especially in the early stages of a startup. As you scale, cloud costs can easily spiral out of control if not properly managed. We learned this lesson early on when our AWS bill unexpectedly jumped 20% one month due to inefficient resource utilization.

After some research, we realized that using Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools like Terraform could help abstract away the underlying cloud provider and allow us to seamlessly transition across AWS, Azure, and GCP. The key benefit was avoiding vendor lock-in – if one provider’s costs increased, we could easily switch to another without rewriting all our infrastructure code.

In this blog, We will walk through how we leveraged Terraform and related tooling to setup easy portability across cloud providers. This has been one of our best return on investment (ROI) decisions, already saving us over $500K in costs while retaining full flexibility to switch providers if needed.

Some key benefits we realized by using Terraform were:

Increased efficiency
Minimized configuration drift
Cost optimization

Overall, adopting Terraform allowed us to implement IaC principles for provisioning and managing infrastructure efficiently. This increased our agility while reducing risks and costs associated with configuration drift.

Containerization with Kubernetes

By containerizing our application and adopting Kubernetes orchestration, we gain granular control over resource allocation and scalability. Kubernetes’ efficient resource management allows us to pack more workloads onto fewer resources, maximizing utilization and minimizing idle capacity.

Some key benefits we saw from using Kubernetes:

Dynamic resource allocation – We can specify resource requests and limits for each container, and Kubernetes will allocate cluster resources accordingly. This ensures containers get the resources they need without overprovisioning.

Horizontal scaling – We can easily scale our applications up and down by changing the number of pod replicas. Need to handle more users? Simply increase the number of pods.

Optimized hardware utilization – Kubernetes efficiently packs containers onto nodes, maximizing resource utilization. Features like bin packing ensure high density of containers per node.

Automatic bin packing – Kubernetes will automatically schedule containers based on resource requirements and availability, packing them efficiently onto available nodes.

Auto-scaling – Kubernetes allows scaling up or down based on metrics like CPU usage. This ensures we have just enough resources to meet demand.

Service discovery – Containers can easily find and talk to each other using Kubernetes services for discovery. This simplifies things and avoids manual IP address management.

Overall, Kubernetes gave us the flexibility and control we needed to maximize resource efficiency, optimize hardware utilization, and achieve scalability on demand. This in turn minimized idle capacity and helped us reduce infrastructure costs.

Cluster Autoscaler (CA)

The CA takes autoscaling a step further by managing the number of nodes in your Kubernetes cluster. If your cluster is running out of resources due to increased demand, the CA can automatically add new nodes to the cluster. Similarly, if the demand drops and there are unused nodes, the CA can remove them, reducing infrastructure costs.

The key benefits of the CA are:

Improved application availability – By automatically adding nodes when resource constrained, the CA prevents application downtime.

Optimized costs – Only running the number of nodes required to meet demand reduces infrastructure costs.

Automated management – No need for manual intervention to scale the node pool up and down.

The CA allows Kubernetes clusters to automatically scale based on actual resource usage metrics. This ensures high application availability while optimizing infrastructure costs.

Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA)

The HPA is responsible for automatically adjusting the number of pods in a deployment or replica set based on the observed CPU usage or custom metrics. This means that if your application is experiencing a sudden spike in demand, the HPA can scale up the number of pods to handle the increased load. Conversely, if the demand drops, the HPA can scale down the number of pods, reducing resource consumption and cost.

‍The HPA operates by periodically checking the current resource usage against the target resource utilisation. If the observed utilisation deviates from the target, the HPA adjusts the number of replicas accordingly. You can also configure the HPA to scale based on custom metrics, giving you even more control over your application’s scalability.

Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA)

While the HPA focuses on scaling the number of pods, the VPA is all about adjusting the resource limits for individual containers within a pod. This means that if a container is running out of memory or CPU, the VPA can automatically increase the resource limits, allowing the container to continue functioning without disruption.

‍The VPA operates by monitoring the resource usage of containers and comparing it to the current resource limits. If the observed usage is consistently higher or lower than the limits, the VPA recommends new resource limits for the containers. In some cases, the VPA can also automatically apply these recommendations, ensuring your application always has the right amount of resources

Spot Instances: For non-critical workloads and batch processing tasks, we utilized Spot Instances to take advantage of unused capacity at a fraction of the cost. This flexible approach helped us optimize costs while maximizing resource utilization.

KEDA Implementation

The Kubernetes pods were enabled to perform Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA) based on CPU and memory utilization. The customer wanted to scale the Kubernetes pods to meet the requests coming in for deployment. This is similar in requirement to the native AWS auto-scaling behavior dependent on “requests per target group”

  • Event-Driven Scaling: It enables automatic scaling of Kubernetes pods based on the number of events in event sources such as message queues (e.g., AWS SQS, Kafka)
  • Scaling to Zero: It allows your Kubernetes pods to scale down to zero when there are no incoming events. This capability is crucial for serverless and event-driven architectures, where resources should only be allocated when there’s actual work to be done. Scaling to zero helps save costs and resources during idle periods.

Kubernetes Kustomize

Kubernetes Kustomize allows you to define and manage variations of Kubernetes configurations for different environments, such as development, staging, and production. This flexibility ensures that resources are provisioned appropriately for each environment, avoiding over-provisioning and unnecessary costs.

For example, you can use Kustomize to create customized Kubernetes manifests for your dev, test, and prod environments. The dev manifests may specify less compute resources, while the prod ones provision more resources to handle production workloads.

Kustomize lets you reuse common configuration components across environments while varying environment-specific settings like replica counts, memory/CPU limits, etc. You don’t have to maintain separate YAML files for each environment.

Instead, you can create a common base and overlay customizations for each environment. Kustomize will then generate the final manifests for you by merging the base and overlays.

This approach streamlines configuration management and ensures consistency across environments. By tailoring configurations to the specific needs of each environment, Kustomize helps optimize resource utilization and ultimately contributes to cost management in Kubernetes deployments.


ArgoCD indeed plays a significant role in cost optimization within Kubernetes environments. By automating the deployment and management of applications, ArgoCD reduces the reliance on manual intervention, thereby minimizing human errors and the associated costs of troubleshooting and rectifying them. Additionally, ArgoCD facilitates continuous delivery, ensuring that deployments are efficient, reliable, and consistent across different environments. This automation not only saves time but also optimizes resource utilization by enabling faster rollouts and updates. Overall, ArgoCD contributes to cost optimization in Kubernetes deployments by streamlining the deployment process, reducing operational overhead, and improving overall resource efficiency.

Overall, Terraform has been a huge win in terms of flexibility, productivity, and cost management. The key takeaway for readers is to invest time in learning Infrastructure as code practices and tools like Terraform. The long-term benefits are well worth it, especially as complexity and scale increase.

Food tech platform integrates with dozens of POS and OFO systems via LINK

Food tech platform integrates with dozens of POS and OFO systems via LINK


A well funded market leader in the food tech segment wanted to rapidly sign up restaurants as customers to streamline restaurant order management, off-premise food prep, and delivery. The rate of customer acquisition was critical for this Company to establish a first-mover advantage over the competition. Target restaurants included multiple brands and concepts.

The Challenge

To attract restaurants and go to market, the Company faced an almost insurmountable challenge of integrating with a large, technically diverse, international as well as niche portfolio of Online Food Ordering (OFO) and Point of Sale (POS) systems – 100 plus and growing exponentially. The Company’s in-house integration effort was in the nascent stage and they needed a rapid and cost-effective way of integrating with POS, OFO, and delivery systems.

The Solution

LINK delivered 56 (and counting) POS and OFO integrations for the Company, which included not only the international systems with bulk of the restaurant volume, but also local players that are well-established in their markets. Within the first 11 months, LINK’s team rolled out 18+ integrations with a rapid velocity, letting the Company take its tech platform to over 5000 restaurants globally.

Admin view to manage all integrations

LINK’s white-labeled integration platform enabled the Company’s customer onboarding team to sign up new restaurants and activate the necessary integrations within minutes. Leading POS systems that LINK integrated included Toast, Square, Clover, Lightspeed, Oracle Simphony, Shopify, and many others. One key value proposition was LINK’s public API, which allowed any small or local app that didn’t have their own API to be able to sync with the Company’s platform.
Interface to activate a new restaurant
All active restaurants filtered by integration connector

Additionally, restaurants acquired by the Company were able to use a broader range of LINK’s integration connectors, including but not limited to, accounting, marketing, inventory management, and loyalty systems. Thus further enabling automation and saving tens of thousands of hours otherwise spent by restaurants in manual data entry and reconciliation.

The Result

With thousands of new restaurants being on-boarded monthly onto its tech platform, the Company has established itself as the market leader in North America, and has gained a strong presence in LATAM, Middle East, and Europe. It has also capitalized on the cost-efficiency and integration velocity brought about by its partnership with LINK to identify the most critical integrations that are vital to the Company’s long-term success.

LINK’s platform can also be used by geographically diverse multi-restaurant and multi-brand companies to integrate their operations for analytics, supply chain optimization, and many other use cases.