What it is like to be a software intern at LINK

Intern Rohit Talmale shares his experience at LINK, highlighting the supportive team, growth in technical skills, and key lessons about staying curious, goal-oriented, and adaptable.

I started my software engineering internship at LINK with excitement but also a bit of nervousness, not knowing what to fully expect. As a relatively new software developer in my early career, I was eager to gain hands-on experience and learn new skills under the guidance of seasoned professionals. An internship at a fast-growing company like LINK offered me that invaluable opportunity. 

In this article, I’ll provide an inside look at my experience as a software engineering intern at LINK. I’ll share details on the work environment, projects I contributed to, skills gained, and key lessons learned during my time there. My goal is to give readers insights into what it’s like to intern on the software engineering team at LINK as a developer early in my career. Whether you’re considering an internship at LINK or just curious about typical intern experiences at high-growth tech companies, I hope this article provides helpful perspectives. So let’s jump right into my rewarding internship journey at LINK!

My first impressions of the company culture 

When I first came to the office, I was a little nervous. However, upon joining the company, I was impressed by the positive and cooperative atmosphere. The team members were not only highly skilled and dedicated but also very approachable and supportive. I could tell right away that this was a collaborative environment where people worked together effectively. 

Despite my initial nervousness about starting a new internship, the warm welcome I received from my new colleagues put me at ease. Their friendliness and obvious expertise gave me confidence that I would learn a lot from this talented group. I was very impressed that, in addition to being accomplished professionals, my teammates made me feel included as part of the team from day one. The cooperative spirit and camaraderie were evident immediately and made my first impressions of the company extremely positive.

Work Environment

The work environment at LINK stood out as being incredibly positive. I was highly impressed by the flexibility in work hours, allowing for a more adaptable approach to our responsibilities. There was no pressure to complete tasks within rigid timeframes, which supported better work-life balance. 

The flexible and adaptable environment enabled me to effectively manage my time. I could adjust my schedule as needed to collaborate with team members located in different time zones. Having the freedom to structure my day eliminated unnecessary stress. I felt motivated to do my best work knowing it would be evaluated based on quality rather than hours logged.

LINK trusts employees to effectively budget their time and efforts. Without micromanaging, they empowered me to take ownership of my work. I appreciated their understanding that some tasks require intense focus during standard work hours, while other projects can be handled successfully with a more flexible approach. The adaptable work environment supported my natural rhythms, allowing me to maximize productivity.

The pressure-free, flexible atmosphere demonstrated LINK values results over Facetime. I never felt anxious about my schedule or worried I wasn’t putting in enough hours. The adaptable environment optimized my internship experience.

The coolest project I have worked on so far

I was relatively new to project work when I started, but I’m now engaged in an exciting integration project in ServiceX (EZ Texting <> HubSpot). Creating my very first recipe felt like a significant personal achievement. What’s even more satisfying is the collaborative nature of our team discussions, where we discuss recipe creation and challenges while creating it. Getting the chance to work on an integration project so early in my internship was an incredible learning experience.

 Having the opportunity to build a recipe from scratch and see it come to life has been incredibly rewarding. But what’s been most meaningful is the collaborative team environment. My teammates don’t just provide instructions – they engage in active discussions, share their perspectives, and make sure I’m learning. Our team discussions where we work through challenges together have been the highlight of my internship so far. I’ve learned so much through this collaborative process, and it’s made my contributions feel truly valued.

Supportive team

My team has been incredibly supportive throughout my internship. I want to give special mention to Tushar, who guided me from the very start and still provides invaluable support in every possible way. He consistently encourages me to take on new projects to expand my skills and generously shares his deep technical knowledge. Tushar is my go-to person whenever I encounter challenges. His mentorship has been instrumental in my growth.  

I must also acknowledge Kamal and Raj, who are both exceptionally talented engineers and always ready to help. Their technical expertise is outstanding, yet they take time to explain concepts and teach me new skills. I feel fortunate to work alongside such brilliant professionals who are also caring mentors. Kamal and Raj’s constant encouragement and advice have made me a better developer. Their support has been essential to my positive internship experience.

I feel lucky to be part of a team with such exceptional members. Their guidance and assistance have made me genuinely happy in my role. Having approachable and supportive coworkers has been invaluable in building my confidence as I gain hands-on experience.

New skills I have acquired

During my internship at LINK, I was able to develop new technical skills as well as soft skills that will benefit me in any career path. 

On the technical side, I gained valuable experience with:

– System architecture – Learning about LINK’s product architecture gave me insight into how complex software systems are designed and built. I now have a better understanding of how the backend and frontend connect.

– APIs – One of my main projects was integrating two platforms using their APIs. Through this work, I learned how to make API calls, handle responses, and troubleshoot issues. These skills are essential for any developer role.

– Authentication – Implementing user authentication expanded my knowledge of security best practices like encryption, sessions, tokens, etc. Securing an application is a key responsibility.

– Integration – Combining separate systems taught me how to plan and execute real-world integrations. I now understand the steps required to connect technologies and merge data.

I also improved soft skills like:

– Communication – Daily standups, design reviews, and team discussions required clearly conveying my work and ideas. I became better at public speaking within a professional setting.

– Collaboration – Brainstorming, providing feedback, and working with others on projects enhanced my collaborative abilities. I learned to solve problems together.

This internship provided diverse real-world experiences that allowed me to expand both my technical expertise and professional skills. I feel well-prepared to apply this knowledge in future roles. The broad range of skills I developed will serve me well in any industry.

My key takeaways from this internship experience are:

– Stay curious – As an intern, I was constantly learning new things, so it was important for me to keep an open and curious mindset. I asked many questions to deepen my knowledge.

– Ask questions – Don’t be afraid to ask questions! My team was very supportive and helped me whenever I needed clarification or was unsure about something. 

– Build relationships – Getting to know my coworkers personally really enhanced my internship experience. Those connections provided valuable guidance and could potentially open doors in the future.

– Set clear goals – Having defined goals helped me stay focused and motivated. It also allowed me to measure my progress throughout the internship.

– Be proactive – I tried to take initiative on projects and be a self-starter. This allowed me to take ownership of my work.

– Stay adaptable – Software development often requires shifting priorities and strategies. Being flexible and adaptable was crucial for effectively rolling with the changes.

My favourite memory

My favorite memory is when Kamal was moving from India to Canada. We had a great time playing games and celebrating together as a team to commemorate Kamal’s big move. 

The celebration captured the spirit of our team’s bond. We will cherish the memories we shared with Kamal over the years. Though the team dynamic will change with Kamal working from the Canadian office, the relationships and collaboration we built will continue to strengthen.

Advice for the future interns

My internship at LINK has been an incredibly enriching experience that has equipped me with practical skills and professional connections to build my career. As I wrap up my time here, I want to offer some advice to future interns.

First and foremost, embrace your internship as a valuable learning opportunity. You will gain exposure to real work projects and collaboration that classrooms simply can’t replicate. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, take on new challenges, and learn as much as possible from your team. This experience is a chance to gain hands-on training while building your skills and confidence. Make the most of it.

Set clear goals for what you want to accomplish during your internship. Do you want to improve your coding abilities? Become an expert in a new program? Shadow team members in different roles? Identify objectives and share them with your manager so you can work together to achieve them.

Stay curious and proactive. Don’t just wait for assignments – look for ways to help out and add value. Offer to take meeting notes, draft documents, conduct research, or anything else that could lighten your team’s workload while building your skills. 

Finally, nurture relationships and connections. Get to know your coworkers. These valuable connections can provide mentoring opportunities and potentially open doors down the line. Internships are a chance to grow your network, so build bridges.

Embrace this internship as the foundation for your future success. Soak up all the knowledge you can, take on new challenges, and form meaningful connections. You’ll be amazed at how much you can achieve in just a few months.

Overall, my experience as a software development intern at LINK has been extremely positive. I’ve had the opportunity to contribute directly to meaningful projects, gained valuable hands-on experience, and worked with an incredibly supportive team. Most importantly, this internship has reaffirmed my passion for software development. I’ve learned so much in just a few short months. 

I’m incredibly grateful for this opportunity. The projects, mentors, and connections at LINK have paved the way for my future success. I could not have asked for a better internship experience.

I look forward to applying what I’ve learned and continuing to grow as a software developer.

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