Online subscription activation during in-store purchases enabled by LINK!


The Client is one of the largest brick-and-mortar chains for CBD wellness products in the USA, with hundreds of locations, along with thriving online sales. They want to increase revenue generated per store and customer retention, by activating online subscriptions for customers during in-store purchases. Since the checkout process is done by the cashier, the cashier should be able to prompt the customer about signing up for online subscriptions and complete the activation for the subscriptions within the purchase flow at the point of sale.

The Challenge

The brick-and-mortar stores use LightSpeed X-series POS to manage the in-store purchases. Online subscriptions are managed at the corporate level, using Shopify for ecommerce along with the Skio application to manage the subscription model.
To achieve the in-store subscription opportunity, the Client needed its POS platform to talk to its ecommerce/subscription platform and they needed it as soon as possible.

The Solution

LINK stepped in and created a POC for the Client, ensuring that we met the Client’s requirements while collaborating closely with the Skio team. The POC helped the Client quickly make the decision to move forward with LINK for creating the solution.

LINK built connectors to the LightSpeed X-series POS and the Skio application, and provided a pop-up model for the cashier. When a customer makes a purchase in-store, LINK displays a pop-up window to capture whether the customer wishes to subscribe to specific products, billing start date, and the preferred payment method. The subscription information is shipped to Skio, via LINK’s connector with Skio, where a new customer subscription is created and fulfilled via the Skio-Shopify integration. The subscription flow is integrated as a part of sales, hence sending the subscription information to Skio and receiving successful subscription acknowledgement is done seamlessly in real-time. This ensures a smooth customer experience at the point of sale while providing them the option for in-store subscription.

The Result

LINK’s commitment to partnerships and our innovative and flexible approach helped in creating a swift and scalable solution involving multiple software platforms. This game-changing solution’s launch in the Client’s brick-and-mortar store will propel them into a new era of innovation and customer engagement, resulting in higher revenue per store and increased customer loyalty.

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