How LINK Streamlined Migration for the World’s Leading Domain Registrar

The world of digital solutions is in constant flux, and companies often face the need to evolve and adapt their systems. One such challenging scenario was recently tackled head-on by LINK, resulting in a testament to the transformative potential of our Onboarding as a Service.

The Setting

One of the world’s largest domain registrars and hosting platforms, serving millions of merchants across various industries, found itself at a crossroads. Their decade-old accounting system, integral to over 35,000 merchants, was slated for discontinuation. A new chapter awaited, but the transition posed significant challenges.

The Challenge

The registrar brokered a deal with a leading financial software company to migrate their vast merchant base to a new accounting system. However, they faced a massive obstacle: ensuring a smooth migration process for thousands, without the in-house expertise to develop a comprehensive solution. They envisioned a simple, guided migration flow with automated activation into the new system. Enter LINK.

The LINK Solution

We stepped in with our specialized Onboarding as a Service solution. We crafted an iFrame for the client, an embedded UI sitting within their product dashboard. This interface informed merchants of the upcoming changes, prompted them to migrate, and seamlessly activated them in the new system. The technical complexities, like data mapping from the old to the new system, were entirely handled by LINK. At the migration’s conclusion, we even provided merchants with a CSV of any non-mapped entities.

Impactful Results

After a three-month build, our solution went live in May 2022. The results were nothing short of astounding:

  • Within the first five hours, 600 to 700 migrations were completed.
  • By the end of the transition period, a whopping 7,000 merchants had migrated.
  • The entire process boasted 100% automation with zero phone support, a pioneering achievement in the industry for a migration of this magnitude.


Beyond the Migration

The success story doesn’t end there. Pleased with the seamless migration, the domain registrar continued to engage with LINK. Our role expanded to further integrate their myriad of business solutions with the newly adopted accounting system.

A Partnership Cemented

This collaboration underscored LINK’s prowess in digital transformations and integrations. Our client, a giant in the domain and hosting space, found in us a partner capable of navigating the complexities of large-scale digital transitions.

Our mission at LINK is simple: to simplify the digital landscape. Whether it’s a significant migration, like the one highlighted here, or everyday integrations, our commitment to seamless, efficient solutions remains unwavering. Stay tuned to our blog for more stories of digital transformation, and reach out if you’re ready to write the next chapter in your digital journey with LINK!

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